Monday, October 1, 2012

Gratitude Journal

Journal from 1998
I recently restarted a gratitude journal after a lapse of about two years.  When I have difficulty staying in the moment, when I spend too much time in the future or in the past, a gratitude journal makes me pause and think about the day that I've just had. What was good about it, however minute that can be.

Sunshine,  a comfortable bed, clean water to drink, kisses, a job, a smile from a colleague are all privileges of being alive that are too easy to discount.

A change this year: I keep the journal at work and before I leave at the end of the day, I inscribe the five things that I'm grateful for.  Being grateful at work, I find, is a little more challenging than being grateful in a warm bed at the end of the day.

No need to have a special notebook but I do like using Sarah Ban Breathnach's original Simple Abundance Journal of Gratitude.  You can buy it here, here or here. I find that they make a great Christmas gift that keeps giving all year.  What better gift than to remind someone to be grateful every day?

Have you been grateful today?  Do you have keep a gratitude journal? What does it do for you?



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